
3 Questions to Ask About Your New Landscape

 In Landscape Design Ideas

Before you decide what type of landscape you want, it’s important that you ask yourself a lot of questions about the future of your landscape, your home, and more. There are thousands of potential questions you should be asking yourself before you decide to update your landscape design, but the following are the best 3 questions to ask about your new landscape:

  1. How Much Maintenance Are You Okay With?

Are you someone that loves going outside and mowing your lawn, or can afford a lawn care provider? Or are you someone that doesn’t want to think about their landscape except when they’re outside to enjoy it? The amount of maintenance you’re willing to do should affect how much grass/life you decide to add versus the amount of low maintenance hardscape or xeriscaping that needs to be added.

  1. How Likely Are You to Sell the Home Soon?

Everyone wants a great landscape, but if you’re likely to sell the home soon, it’s important to consider more value than function. Some landscape options add more value to the home than others for the cost, and so you may want to consider higher value landscaping over your ideal landscape.

  1. What Are You Hoping to Achieve?

Are you looking for a place you can hold gatherings? Are you looking for a place you can relax? Do you want a place for your dogs or kids? Each of these questions will have different answers, and figuring out your answer will be very important.

Asking the Right Questions

These are all things you can go over with your landscape architect, who can work with your wants and needs to create a custom design. But it’s always a good idea to think about these questions yourself, in order to be certain you’re getting the perfect landscape for your needs. Best Landscaping in Sacramento, Folsom, and El Dorado Hills

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