
5 Winter Worthy Plants For Your Sacramento Landscape Design

 In Drought Tolerant Landscaping, Landscape Design El Dorado Hills, Landscape Design Folsom, Landscaping Sacramento

5 Winter Worthy Plants For Your Sacramento Landscape Design


When the doom and gloom of winter comes, if you are like many of our clients, the blinds get drawn and the backyard landscape is neglected until spring has sprung. Winter is truly a great time to evaluate your yard and see what’s missing in your landscape design. Incorporate one or all of these dazzling plants to bring new life to your landscape.

Let’s begin with a couple of trees, though both are deciduous they have interesting characteristics that will enhance your Sacramento landscape design. First, Malus “Snowdrift” orFlowering Crabapple which is a rounded tree that is very dense. It can reach heights of 20-25 feet with a similar spread and in bloom season it has tiny red buds that open to a single white flower that can last well into the year. When the weather changes and the leaves fall abrilliant orange/red berry appears to brighten the winter gloom.

One of our all time favorites is Sango Kaku or Coral Bark Maple. This green leafed japanese maple is know for the  stunning red bark it gets when the first winter chill hits. It is one of the taller maples and thrives in filtered sun and with a good amount of thick organic mulch covering the roots you will have a healthy tree that will last for years.

Few shrubs stand the test of time like the Camelia   sasanqua, prevalent in almost every Sacramento landscape it is best known for it’s late bloom season. Though there are many varieties with many colors the best (in our modest opinion) is the Yuletide. The compact upright plant has a profusion of small red flowers with bright yellow anthers. This can be a fantastic stand alone specimen plant, unique in a container or combined to form a screening hedge.

Time to break up the theme, RED! Obviously there are other colors and textures of plants that look great in a landscape design; one such plant is Helictotrichon sempervirens. Commonly known as Blue Oat Grass, this mounding grass has bright blue-gray narrow leaves that appear almost fountain-like. Use as a border shrub or with and around boulders and you will have a show stopper. This plant combines well with silver-leafed plants like Artemisia and contrasts nicely with purple leafed plants like Heuchera.

Perennial plants are always great to utilize in any landscape design. One that has tremendous winter interest is the low grower, Crocus. Derived from a “corm” (a bulb-like underground stem base composed of solid tissue rather than scales. Go ahead, use that tasty information at your next trivia game) it flowers in a variety of colors magically appearing right out of the ground. For best results, set corms 2-3 inches deep and 3-4 inches apart.

Utilize one or all of these wonderful winter worthy plants and transform your Sacramento Landscape. Happy Planting!

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