
April Veggie Gardening Tips Sacramento

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April Veggie Gardening Tips in Folsom and Sacramento

April Veggie Gardening Tips Sacramento

Zone 9b Sacramento, CA – Plant tomatoes and Monitor soil temperature

Spring is here and it is time to get out into the garden! Now is the time to plant the tomatoes you started last month. Check the soil temperature first to make sure it is warm enough for the baby plants first.

April Veggie Gardening Tips Sacramento

Check your soil temperature

Check your soil temperature with a soil thermometer. It should be over 65 degrees before you plant your tomatoes. You can also plant peppers once the soil is 65 degrees. Air temperatures should not be getting below 50. The soil should be at least 70 degrees before you start planting your melons and your squash.

Plant your tomatoes

If your tomato plants are six weeks old and the soil is warm enough, put them in the ground! Line the hole with a handful of epsom salts to get the plants enough magnesium. You may want to set up a trellis or tomato cage now, while thee plants are long. If you wait too long, you may find yourself fighting (and breaking) long, unwieldy plant limbs as you try to wrestle your tomato plant onto some sort of support system.

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March Veggie Gardening Tips SacramentoMay is for Melons - Zone 9b Sacramento, CA