
What Happens if Weeds Grow in Your New Landscape?

 In Landscape Tips

Weeds are an unfortunate consequence of landscaping. With great grass comes great responsibility, and in some cases a single seed can lead to the development of weeds that can hurt your landscape and cause you some frustration. So, what happens if weeds grow in your new landscape? The following are some brief tips to deal with weed problems.

How to Handle Weeds in a New Lawn

  • Call FiveSTAR

If FiveSTAR Landscape overhauled your lawn and you see that a weed popped up, give us a call. Often weeds are covered in our warranty. We do everything we can to make sure that there are no weeds in the seeds and planting that we use, but the truth about weeds is that they are notoriously hardy and can invade almost anywhere. Give us a call and we’ll see what we can do to fix it.

  • Pull it Out

As soon as you see a weed, try to pull it out at its root. You can try using weed killer but often this will damage your new grass. After turf has been laid down on a landscape, it’s not necessarily strong enough on its own to withstand all weeds. That’s why pulling the weed out may be enough – it gets rid of the one weed, and gives your lawn more time to adjust.

  • Aerate and Reseed Next Year

It’s not always about the current year that matters with weeds. Sometimes it’s about all subsequent years. Consider aeration and seeding. The aeration and seeding process gives roots and grass much more strength, which allows it to withstand weeds and other problems much better.

Weeds Are Signs of Weak Grass

FiveSTAR Landscape makes it our mission to make sure weeds do not grow on your landscape after we have created it. But note that weeds are often a warning sign that the turf hasn’t yet become strong, and when we lay down the grass it’s possible that it hasn’t yet adjusted to your landscape.

The best thing to do if you notice a problem is give us a call, and in the interim make sure that you’re giving your lawn the attention it needs to stay strong, with proper watering, proper mowing height, and fertilization. Strong grass chokes out weeds, and strong grass comes not just from a new landscape, but also from maintenance.

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