Sustainable Gardening
Edible Landscapes for your Sacramento Home
Making a water-wise landscape may be more functional than ever when you take into account sustainable gardening. Edible landscaping is beginning to take rise as more and more studies show the health benefits of eating what you’ve grown in your own backyard. The relationship of the homeowner to landscape is increased and reinforced when you use your space as a small at-home farm. More importantly, switching to an edible garden rather than a traditional turf can make some vast improvements on your monthly water bills. Plants like vegetables and herbs require much less water per square foot than your green turf. With edible gardening, you can make use of your space in a new and healthy way.
Why eat my Folsom Backyard?
When you rarely use a yard, what is the purpose of having green grass that guzzles water and resources regularly without benefiting you? The majority of homeowners in the greater Sacramento area do not consider just how much of a waste their front and back yards are. Loads of grass soak up water we don’t have and furthermore, they fail to prove useful for you on the regular. Changing your yard to an edible landscape can cut down on your waste and your carbon footprint. We promote these changes because water-wise landscaping is the future of our industry and you’ve simply got to catch up.
The Benefits of Gardening your El Dorado Hills Landscape
Gardening has been proved to relieve stress, promote weight loss, and increase your vitamin intake. Because you are focusing your energies on a positive outlet with gardening you can look forward to all these benefits in just a few short months of spending time in your yard. Homegrown vegetables and spices tend to be higher in nutrient value and stronger in flavor. If this isn’t enough to encourage you to switch to an edible landscape it might just mean gardening isn’t for you, in which case, visit our other Xeriscaping landscape alternatives.
Get your Edible Backyard Design for any Sacramento Home NOW
February is the right time to upgrade a landscape design and begin construction. With the worst of the cold behind us, your landscape design should be number one on any honey-do list and we can help. Upgrading to a grass alternative lawn will save your nearly 2,000 gallons of water this year and put money back in your pocket with a variety of drought-tolerant options. Beginning this month ensures that your landscape design can be fully installed when spring comes around, just in time for ripe and delicious tomatoes. Don’t forget drought-resistant sage, rosemary, and lavender. All of which can benefit your culinary endeavors.